Monday, April 14, 2014

WGME Prayer Walk - mark your calendar for April 18th

Welcome to the newly minted Working Group on the Middle East blog!

What do you know about the daily circumstances of Palestinian women in the Palestinian territories? Their circumstances are very different from most of us in the U.S. – even those of us living in cities plagued with violence. What makes them weep?

I want to extend an invitation to you, your congregation, and your friends to attend an upcoming justice-oriented event, at which you will find out some of those things that make Palestinian women weep. On Good Friday (April 18th), the Metropolitan Chicago Synod's Working Group on the Middle East will join other social justice organizations in a Walk for Justice sponsored by 8th Day Center for Justice. This Working Group is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran denomination in the U.S. At this Good Friday justice prayer walk, the Working Group on the Middle East will present the prayers at the 5th Station, inspired by the Weeping Women from Luke 23:27-28. What makes today's Palestinian women weep? Come and find out. If you want to read more about the 8th Day walk in general (including the walk route and other organizations sponsoring prayer stations), go to

There is also a Facebook event called "WGME at the 8th Day Good Friday Walk for Justice" if you would like to see more information about our contribution to the event:

Please put the Good Friday prayer justice walk in your calendar. It is April 18th, beginning at noon, starting at Congress & Michigan. We will wind our way through downtown (ending at the Thompson Center by 3:00pm). This justice prayer walk is inspiring and impactful – hope you can join us!

As a part of our preparation for this prayer justice walk on Good Friday, we created some sign boards that replicate art found on the Wall (also known as the Separation Barrier) in Israel. Palestinians and visitors from throughout the world have added their own street art, graffiti, and public art to the Wall, as a sign of protest, an invitation to peace, and a critique of the lack of global intervention. We are posting pictures of our recreations of some of these sign boards in honor of those amazing artists (some known and others anonymous). These signs should help each of us consider what our own role could be in ending the injustice in the Middle East – whether gaining further personal awareness about the Wall, writing to a legislator, reading more about the plight of Palestinian people, or supporting a justice organization working in the Middle East. (Keep watching for more posts with the full cadre of images from the Wall sign boards.)

See the Working Group on the Middle East website to discover other upcoming events and/or links for more information in general:

-Pastor Carla Thompson Powell

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